“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.” Margaret Mead

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

wood and glue!

What could be better then wood and glue? 
This week our focus is on shapes and constructing/building with shapes. I inherited a bunch of wood pieces from facilities and my bro-in-law who is a builder, so I bought bottles of wood glue and off we went! It has proven to be a wonderfully creative activity. I'm always fascinated with how children glue wood pieces together -- some glue pieces flat and others glue them more 3-D. Some spend a lot of time doing the activity, while others glue a few pieces and are done. This year I added some other elements to the activity - pipe cleaner pieces and paper shape cut outs. They've added color and texture to the structures.

Two tables were pushed together with lots of paper to cover it,
to catch all of the globby, sticky glue!
And the squeezing starts.......

Carefully placing pieces at the top.
It takes concentration, patience and persistence!
Sometimes Ms. Larisa had to help
assist to keep all the pieces together. :)

Finished structure. Lots of detail here!

Both sessions worked with it.

Ta-da! A piece of art!!

Lots of glue - puddles and puddles!

9 different pieces of wood he used!

We will try to display these structures
in some way so you all can enjoy them too!

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