“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.” Margaret Mead

Wednesday, August 23, 2017


This is my 13th year at Hesston College Preschool. I've gotten to know a lot of families over the years. Some families have multiple children, and that's allowed me to get to know the whole crew. It's been a lot of fun! I always enjoy seeing former preschoolers and how they've changed and grown up (literally!). Some families I've known for 1 or 3 or 8 years (depending on how many kiddos come through our program). I call it tradition. It's what the first child did, so now the remaining children do the same thing. 

Here's a family who are sending their 4th (and last) child through preschool.

The tall girl to the left of me was in the TR class
when I first starting teaching at HCP, and
now she is a sophomore in HS!! 

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