“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.” Margaret Mead

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Choice time

We believe in children having choices. After circle time children choose from different areas and activities in the room -  the areas of the room are described during circle so they are aware what is available and as the children are dismissed they tell the teacher what they plan to do. This is called "choice time". We don't require children to do all of the activities each day, but do strongly encourage children to do the planned art activity at least one time a week - and with the preschoolers' this year, it is not hard to persuade them, they come over on their own. 
Depending on a child's interests, confidence and skill level determines which activities or areas of the room they choose. Some go to all the areas while others only go to a few. Choice time lasts between 45-50 minutes each day. It's an important time for children to really become engaged and explore materials and activities, plus a lot of learning takes place especially with teacher support and guidance. We are fortunate to have 3 lab students on Tuesday and 2 on Thursday - these children get a lot of extra support and child/teacher interactions! 

This is a favorite choice for a lot of children - sitting at this old school desk with phones, paper, markers, etc. They feel pretty important sitting in this spot!

Working on a stack of puzzles. She did finish all of them. On her own.

Sensory table - we have rice in there this week - besides the typical scooping, pouring and filling containers, there is social skill learning going on too. Some children stay at the sensory table a long time - it can be very therapeutic. (The student pictured here is Ms. Emma)

Spinning the cup around to make circles.

Sorting bears by color. 

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