“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.” Margaret Mead

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thursday morning and Yost Center

Today was a lesson in waiting and patience. For art today we stood to paint and because we used roller paints, there was only room for 2 children at a time. The waiting was hard, but everyone got a turn!! At the end of the day (right after snack) we ventured over to Yost Center to visit a preschoolers dad who works there. We walked into Yost Center and a basketball player was shooting baskets, so we stopped and watched. It was so fascinating. He would throw the ball into the basketball hoop and then the ball would fall into a machine and throw it back out to the player. Pretty cool. We visited the preschoolers dad's office and then took a picture on the basketball courts, and then we got to play at the rocks and trees

The vivid colors were mixed together, layer after layer.
They turned out so pretty - each one unique!!
Collecting paper hearts in the cup
(yes, they are left over from valentine's day)
and hearts on the shirt. 
Giggly girl.
Isn't that just the orneriest face you've ever seen?
She's not sleeping, even though she looks like it. She looked so relaxed and comfortable sitting there in the tub, looking at a book. Don't you want to join her?
A basketball player shooting some hoops.
See that ball machine? It was cool to see it throw the ball back out to the player. 

Dad and son. :) 
In an office but not in trouble. 
It was hard to focus on Ms. Larisa when there is a
basketball player shooting hoops in the background. Oh well, we tried.

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