“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.” Margaret Mead

Friday, September 9, 2016

Block area

The block area has a variety of blocks, people, cars, animals, etc. and with all of these materials, you just never know what might happen. Or built. Children demonstrate their creativity, problem solving skills and imagination in many ways in the block area. It is very cool to see what they come up with, mostly on their own.

This guy had to be creative, since most
of the blocks he wanted to use
were already being used.
We came up with plan B!

It started simple and more was added!
Not long after I took this picture, it came
tumbling down.
Notice the block shelf is empty.
Every single block was used in some way
this day.

I demonstrated how to use these tubes
for ramps. And they were hooked!

1 comment:

  1. You are right that kids demonstrate their creativity, problem solving skills and imagination when they are engage in interesting activities and games. This separate block area sounds great for that purpose. I also use such ideas that are easily available at http://www.kidsfront.com/math-activity/1.printable.html.
